Wk 13 – Artist Conversation – Krystal Ramirez

Krystal Ramirez is a senior at CSULB. She is majoring in 3D Media and in the process of getting he BA in Fine Arts. Originally from Huntington Beach she grew up with a love for art. She attended an art high school and continued for love for art at CSULB.

This exhibit featured a long dinner table made of wood. The plates are made of wood and in each plate there is an object that looks metallic. One half of the table seems to be silver while the other half is more bronze.

Her work is an exploration of the relationships that formed around the dinner table. Her reflects on the people that influenced and helped her in her journey. This project took her three years to complete.

In my own experience I really enjoyed the exhibit. For me it felt as it was made to look simple in the surface but with every piece there is a deeper meaning. Looking at the way the table is set up and all the objects, some abstract and some others, was really aesthetically pleasing to look at. Overall this exhibit was a joy to look at and observe.

Her website: kgrmetalcraft

Instagram: @kgrmetalkraft

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